With the coming of Modi’s “Make in India “campaign on 25 September 2014, new hopes are rising among the people of the country. People have started looking for great opportunities in terms of employment and investments. The dream of economic transformation and India becoming a manufacturing hub seems to be fulfilled but what lies at the back of all these celebrations are apprehensions, doubts and obstacles that needs to be resolved in order to make this dream of our Prime Minister coming true. Is India ready to ‘Make In India’? There is no second thought that the dream of making India as a manufacturing hub is a facade but what is becoming problematic for the business communities is to look up in the “Make in India “ campaign for the roadblocks in the campaign thus making this campaign as a failed objective. This article basically focuses on those roadblocks that need to be resolved in order to make the businesses of the entrepreneurs flourish with this new concept formulated by Modi.
What is “Make in India�
The first thing is to understand that what exactly is Make in India. Well Make in India is that dream of our Prime Minister that will overcome the poverty ridden issues of our country through making our country a manufacturing hub and inviting lot of investments in different industry sectors by eliminating the unnecessary rules and regulations This will bring lot of job opportunities for the youth of our country thus reducing the issues of unemployment in India. The government policies and laws will too become business friendly and transparent with the adoption of this campaign. But there are certain things that need to be focussed in bringing it to a success.
# Domestic Taxation System needs to be revamped
One of the major roadblock in this campaign is the policies and rules associated with the domestic taxation system in India. Every state in the Indian panorama is welcolmed by different taxation laws . With the difference of taxation system from place to place the business community will face the major challenge of coordinating their business among different states. This will bring a lot of troubles in the permits and approvals of their products. While there is a central law on tax in the manufacturing sector and state tax on sales , the business community will face a major setback in terms of taxation system. Hence the foremost measure to be taken is to revamp the taxation policies by making the entire taxation system as a centralized one . This will help in brining the manufacturing structure at the same level in all the states thus will help in making India a manufacturing unit. The recent shutting of Nokia factories in the country is a major example of our complex taxation system.
# Meeting of Infrastructure demands
The second most important drawback is the lack of infrastructure facilities in the country. Inorder to manufacture products it is necessary to have proper transportation as well as building structure. The logistics too needs to be balanced . So firstly the government needs to check upon the proper facilitation of the infrastructure model in the country. Without proper infrastructure there is no successful manufacturing possible.
#Single Window system is a must
It is almost like a forgotten dream where single window system for clearance was talked about . Till now it is under construction and without it the transparency as well easy way of business permits is not possible . One has to again follow and be a victim of so many permits and law system . The apprehensions of foreign investors like Japan based Honda in India is still high thus making them apprehensive on the policies of the country in terms of business approvals and permits.
#Red tape is the major threat
Though there are lot of positive sentiments that are being associated with “Make in India†still India is known to be falling under the major list of corrupted countries. Will the government be able to solve this problem at the national level in order bring in the entrepreneurs their share of profit is another factor that acts as a roadblock for the campaign. The policies are still the redundant ones so in that scenario the campaign ‘s productiveness is still a matter of concern. Though Mr Modi is trying to bring a positive change in the course of country’s economic scenario and trying to brighten up the lives of thousands of youth with his campaign it is very necessary to understand the pitfalls that are being faced by our country. So it’s time to revamp the conventional modules of working with “Make in India “ campaign eliminating the roadblocks like corruption , low infrastructure, proper taxation system as well as single window operations. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________