Board meeting filing relaxed, good news for businesses

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | Mar 20, 2015

For every step taken in a company, you need to file a form for that. Among the heap of forms, the government has provided some relaxation...

Why and Who need to file tax returns before 31st march 2015?

News & FAQs | By ALOK PATNIA | Mar 19, 2015

Its March ending and everyone is busy in the process of closing their books of accounts. Many things must be running in your mind like ha...

You need to pay service tax by 31st march – Is it Fair?

GST & Other Indirect Taxes | By ALOK PATNIA | Mar 19, 2015

31st March is already marked with many due dates for compliances to be made. Are you aware of the due date of service tax payment? If not...

Partners introducing capital in the firm shall not be deemed as loan

If money exchanged between partners and partnership firm,provisions of section 269SS would not be violated. Case: Commissioner of Income-...

Clarification regarding certain deductions and Expense incurred on expansion of existing business

In Commissioner of Income Tax vs. Nirma Ltd., following issues were raised:   While claiming deduction under sections 80HH, 80-I and 80HH...

Will the rate cut benefit ever be passed on to common people?

News & FAQs | By ALOK PATNIA | Mar 17, 2015

Good news in this year was two rounds of rate cuts by Central Bank. Whereas, the bad news is that inspite of rate cut there is no reducti...

Payment of pension to its employees shall not be considered as an object of general public utility

Where the object of a trust is to pay pension to employees and their dependents shall not be considered as an object of general public ut...

Benefit of Sec. 54F shall be available if house constructed by the builder

If sale consideration invested in a flat that is newly constructed by a builder on behalf of the assessee within 3 years then, it would a...

Brand Theft!! Start-ups Beware!!!

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | Mar 16, 2015

 “Brand Theft!! Start-ups Beware!!!” Around a week ago, I got a call from a hassled youth. He seemed quiet messed up in his h...

Expenses incurred in foreign currency to provide technical services outside India shall be exclud...

The High Court in a case clarified that if expenses incurred in foreign currency to provide technical services outside India shall be exc...

Form CRA 2 and GNL 4: Additional compliances for company appointing cost auditor and submission o...

News & FAQs | By ALOK PATNIA | Mar 13, 2015

Form CRA-2- Form of Intimation of appointment of cost auditor by the company to Central Government Pursuant to section 148(3) of Companie...

Should all your taxes be paid by 15th March?

News & FAQs | By ALOK PATNIA | Mar 13, 2015

We are in the middle of the month of March wherin we are surrounded by thoughts of payment of advance tax and due date for payment of adv...

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