GST, Tax exemption, Service Tax relief are some of things entrepreneurs want from first budget of...

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | Jun 4, 2014

There is lot of expectations from Narendra Modi government’s first budget which is likely to be presented in the first week of July. Th...

Acceptance of Deposits by Private Companies under Companies Act, 2013

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | Jun 3, 2014

The major source of funds for a private limited company is usually loans from its directors and their relatives. This avenue of funding i...

Court orders Tax Department to pay Rs 25000 to the taxpayer for causing harassment

Court orders Tax Department to pay Rs 25000 to the taxpayer for causing harassment.   Assessee cannot be denied credit for TDS on the g...

Top 10 Myths about Income Tax Return Filing for Salaried Individuals

We have reached that time of the year again when we need to file Income Tax Returns. The time when the D Day is fast approaching and you ...

6 tax planning tips for small businesses in India

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | May 30, 2014

Tax planning is a very important element for every businessman. Infact it is an integral part of your financial planning. The right tax p... is now part of Startup Services Program of E-Cell of IIT Kharagpur

News & FAQs | By ALOK PATNIA | May 29, 2014

Startup Services Program is an initiative by Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Kharagpur. It aims to aid the fledgling start-ups of IIT Kharagp...

India Transfer Pricing Provisions decoded for Business Owners

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | May 28, 2014

This article is must read for Business Owners who engage in foreign transactions with their associate enterprise.  This article should h...

Save Taxes by claiming Loss from House situated outside India in the Income Tax Returns in India

Save Taxes by claiming Loss from House situated outside India in the Income Tax Returns in India As I say, white is not white, and bla...

Tax Planning Tips for Salaried Individuals

Tax Planning Tips for Salaried Individuals At the end of every financial year, many tax payers  make investments to minimize taxes, with...

Income Tax Return filed with wrong jurisdiction will be treated as no filing of return

Punjab and Haryana  High Court has held that in case of Income Tax Return filed with wrong jurisdiction will be treated as no filing of...

Common Mistakes To Avoid While Starting Up Your Business

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | May 21, 2014

Planning a Start Up? Though starting your own business venture is an alluring thought but at the same time it is full of challenges. Mar...

4 Things NaMo can do to help entrepreneurship eco-system in India

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | May 15, 2014

Narendra Modi or NaMo is perceived to head the new government in India. But is he ready to meet the expectations of the masses especially...

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