Want to protect your organization from hoppers? How about Vesting their shares?

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | Jan 24, 2014

Tom, a software engineer aspires to be an entrepreneur and register a company in the field of IT and IT enabled services. The only hindra...

Why you should pay your self assessment tax and file the ITR on time

What is self-assessment? Self-assessment tax is the difference between the actual tax payable and what has been already paid during the y...

TDS applicable on EMI schemes and Hire Purchase?

Buying products on EMIs schemes? In recent times, not some by all most everybody is buying products on every month installment schemes. E...

Buyback of shares Capital Gains or Deemed dividend?

Buyback of shares Capital Gains or Deemed dividend? Let’s understand this topic with the help of a query that we had recently received....

Making payment over 20000? Cash or Cheque?

Making payment over 20000? Cash or Cheque? Making cash payment to your suppliers? You should be aware of the limit specified by the IT de...

Is service tax leviable on refraining from an act?

GST & Other Indirect Taxes | By ALOK PATNIA | Jan 21, 2014

Is service tax leviable on refraining from an act? The Union Budget 2012 had ushered in a completely new system of levying service tax. E...

Having problem in cash management?

News & FAQs | By ALOK PATNIA | Jan 20, 2014

Managing cash flow is fundamental for the survival of any business, a business may have all the revenue needed but managing the cash flow...

What is the purpose of liaising office? Why do you need a liaising office?

Do you know what is a liaison office? What it does? Or the purpose of a liaising office? Let us understand some points about liaising off...

Good news for the 5 Crore Provident Fund Account Holders

News & FAQs | By ALOK PATNIA | Jan 17, 2014

Good news for the 5 Crore Provident Fund Account Holders New year is bringing in some good news for you. The government is trying to issu...

Talwalkers owner arrested for allegedly evading Service Tax

News & FAQs | By ALOK PATNIA | Jan 17, 2014

Talwalkers owner arrested for allegedly evading Service Tax With the end of 2013 the government had issued a warning to all service tax e...

NR providing service in India? Do you need to pay taxes?

DTAA prevails over the Income Tax Act Where non-resident legal service provider had no PE in India and he stayed in India only for 22 day...

Benefits of Joint ownership of loan and property

Benefits of Joint ownership of loan and property The beginning of a year is very crucial for tax payers! During this time not only do the...

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