Tax Implication for Non Resident Individuals acquiring property in India

If you are an NRI and interested in acquiring property in India then before acquisition you must be aware of every tax aspect relating to...

How dispute resolution panel can help reduce litigation?

The Dispute Resolution Panel  is a positive step toward ensuring faster resolutions of transfer pricing and other international tax-rela...

Tax and regulatory compliances which Startups can not afford to ignore

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | Dec 9, 2013

Top Tax and regulatory compliances which Startups can not afford to ignore be in their very early starting up days or at the time of scal...

Implementation of goods and service tax can be next game changer

GST & Other Indirect Taxes | By ALOK PATNIA | Dec 7, 2013

Our Finance Minister Mr. P Chidambaram has declared that Goods and Service Tax will be introduced soon in India . This tax is a consolida...

Tax planning tips for startups

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | Dec 5, 2013

Starting a business seems to be quite interesting but running it properly and hassle free really requires a lot of hard work, dedication ...

Is Limited liability partnership really tax efficient when compared to private limited company

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | Dec 4, 2013

The most important decision for starting a business is the decision regarding its form of organization i.e. whether one should incorporat...

At times tax planning becomes tax evasion via treaty shopping

Where one country proposes to make investment in a country and for the sole purpose of availing tax benefits under the treaty between the...

Why new format for balance sheet and profit and loss account for companies

The major reason for the application of revised schedule VI is to make the Indian companies competitive and recognizable globally. To mak...

Is tax residency certificate mandatory to claim benefit under tax treaty

This article is basically based to create awareness that whether tax residency certificate mandatory to claim benefit under tax treaty T...

Law relating to meetings and minutes in the new companies bill 2013

Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Rights | By ALOK PATNIA | Dec 4, 2013

In this Article, we are putting forth the major highlights for  Law relating to meetings and minutes in the new companies  bill 2013 : ...

Interesting issues regarding bad debts and taxation implications

Bad debts are debts which are not recoverable. In this write up, the treatment of bad debt as per Income Tax Act, 1961 has been explained...

Some expenses which can also be claimed as business expenditure

This article is basically based on those expenditure which are incurred in day to day operations and interestingly some people bluntly sa...

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