Taxability of gratuity received on retirement

Mostly Gratuity is received as retirement benefits by the employee for rendering long and unblemished service. Gratuity received is added...

Income of Non-resident taxable in India

Residential status has considerable bearing for charging of Income Tax. Based on residence, a person can be Resident and Ordinarily Resid...

Taxability of allowances received by an Individual Taxpayers

Any prescribed special allowance or benefit other than perquisites specifically granted to meet expenses wholly, necessarily and exclusiv...

Taxability of technical fees

‘Fees for Technical Services’ mean any consideration (including any lump sum consideration) for rendering of any managerial, technica...

Income of a ‘Not ordinarily Resident’ taxable in India

News & FAQs | By ALOK PATNIA | May 17, 2011

The residential status of a person is necessary to be known, as the tax liability is dependent on such status. Based on residence, a pers...

Steps for Computation of income and tax thereon for individuals taxpayers

Income earned during the previous year (April 1, 2010 to 31st March 2011) is taxable in the immediately following assessment year. It is ...

Taxability of Arrears of Rent

The provisions of rent arrears described under section 25B of Income Tax Act, 1961. The section 25B exclusively deals with assessing cond...

Claim cost of improvement in the assets to reduce taxes

Any expenditure of a capital nature incurred in making additions or alteration to the asset is to be added to the cost of acquisition by ...

Termination compensation received is exempt from income tax

Most of the employees receive compensation in connection with termination of employment and there is a circumstance under which such comp...

Your Salary Comprises of these things.

Those having income from salary are concerned with the changes taking place in the Income Tax Act, 1961. So, at very outset one must unde...

HUF as distinct identity – Scenarios and Taxability

News & FAQs | By ALOK PATNIA | May 16, 2011

If somebody transfers his own assets for forming Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) after 31.12.1969, it is not acceptable and the income from ...

Taxability of Royalty Income

Royalty mean consideration (including any lump sum consideration but excluding any consideration which would be the income of the recipie...

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