Did not receive the Income Tax Refund?

Did not receive the Income Tax Refund?

The problem might be as small as not writing something in the correct case (capital or small letters)! Did you know the importance of Capital letters?  Recently people are facing problems with IT return processing and IT refund merely because of not writing the IFSC code in Upper Case (i.e. Capital Letters). Sounds funny doesn’t it? Well it is a nightmare for some people. Even we thought that it cannot be an obstruction for IT refund, on consulting with the CPC it was confirmed that this was a substantial reason for not receiving the credit of IT refund. However this is not publicized by the department, not in the guidelines for ITR filing, or the IT Act, not anywhere! Further even the banks don’t have clause as such, where it IFSC code needs to be mentioned in Upper Case, while transferring money. In any case the Income Tax Department is requested to implement some software in its process which shall automatically convert the lower case alphabet to upper case. If not that, at least publicize the inappropriateness of the lower case IFSC to the tax payer while filing of the Income Tax Returns. But till that time BEWARE to write the IFSC code in upper case for prompt processing and credit of the refund, because you will get the IT refund only if you mention the IFSC code in CAPITAL LETTERS. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Feel free to write to us,at [info@taxmantra.com] or call us at +91 88208208 11.