First auditors of a company are to be appointed at first board meeting held after incorporation of the company

First auditors of a company are to be appointed at first board meeting held after incorporation of the company.

Procedure of appointment:

  • A Board meeting is to be conveyed within one month of the incorporation of the company and pass a resolution appointing and fixing the remuneration of first auditors of the company.
  • If the Board fails to do so, then auditors are to be appointed in General Meeting. In this regard, notices are to be issued for convening meeting at least twenty – one days before the date of general meeting to be held.
  • In case of listed Public Limited Company, if auditors are to be appointed in General Meeting, three copies of the notice and copy of the proceedings of the General Meeting should be forwarded promptly to the Stock Exchange where such shares of the Company are listed.
  • The auditor should be intimated immediately about his appointment. The auditor is required to fill e-form 23B with Registrar of Companies stating in detail of his appointment.

Removal of an auditor before the expiry of his term:

  • Board of Directors, should convene a meeting after giving notice to all the Directors, to approve the draft of the application for the removal of the Auditor.
  • The application is to be made to the Regional Director of the concerned Region. Such application should be made on the letterhead of the Company alongwith the details and reasons.
  • The company may at his general meeting remove such auditor, even if appointed by the board.
  • Necessary formalities of enclosing documents, payment of fees, etc. are to be complied with.
  • Notice should be issued in writing at least 21 days before the date of A.G.M. and ordinary resolution should be passed appointing new Auditor in the place of previous Auditor at the A.G.M.

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One thought on “First auditors of a company are to be appointed at first board meeting held after incorporation of the company”

  1. As per the Proviso to Sec 224(5), if the board fails to exercise its power of appointing the first auditors, the Company has to appoint auditors at a general Meeting. The Act does not provide any time limit for the same. That means they can be appointed even after the end of the 1st accounting year.

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