File Your Tax Returns – Avoid Last Minute Rush

Its time to file IT Returns for the Financial Year 2010-2011. Due date to file IT Returns for Financial Year 2010-2011 is 31st July, 2011. As always, the taxmantra is at your service, enabling you filing of Income Tax Returns (ITR). So mail us the under mentioned documents now and get your returns filed by our experts facilitating utmost availment of exemptions deductions & notifications. So the checklist is:-

  • Copy of Form 16/ salary certificate for financial year 2010-2011.
  • Details of any other income for financial year 2010-2011 (Interest etc.).
  • Details of any other tax investments, school fees etc. not mentioned in Form 16.
  • Scanned Copy of PAN Card OR (DOB, father’s name & name mentioned on PAN Card).
  • TDS Certificates from Banks, employer & others.

So, return filers, it’s the time to wake up rather than digging well when the thirst is at its peak. The Taxmantra group is eager for your response. Just a mail in our inbox and the work is done. So proceed and collect the documents from the relevant sources. Beat the deadline, before it beats you. Tax Returns for Financial Year 2010 -11 (March 2011) has started. Request you to please visit or mail us Form16/ Salary Certificate and details of other income, at . We would take it from there to file your return of income. provides complete online taxation solutions for individuals ( Tax Returns + Tax Support + Tax Planning ) – please see this – Services Offered. Providing Complete Online Tax Solutions for Individuals, Not Just Returns .

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