How to stay protected from needless taxes, penalties and prosecution

How to stay protected from needless taxes, penalties and prosecution

While starting up, businesses find it difficult to focus on issues related to accounting and taxation as they have other critical front office issues to handle as well in startup days.  The idea is to have a plan to handle day to day accounting and taxation compliances and not get caught un-prepared. in collaboration with is committed to the business eco-system in creating awareness with regard to mandatory taxation compliances, being the entrepreneurship eco-system relatively nascent in our country and taxation continues to be a black box for most entrepreneurs in India.

While there are both online resources as well as one-off panel discussions in conferences, there is no single comprehensive program that takes entrepreneurs through a deep dive into all aspects of taxation.

This workshop is specifically designed to be simple, intuitive and easy to understand. This workshop would basically cover “Tax Compliances which No Business Can Afford To Ignore”.

Click here to know more about the workshop


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