Taxability of Composite Rent Received

When the owner of the building gets along with the rent of the building, rent or hire of other assets (like furniture) or charges for different services provided in the building (e.g. charges for security, lift, air-conditioning etc.), the total amount so received is called ‘composite rent’.

Tax treatment of Composite Rent

When composite rent consists of rent for building and rent or hire for other assets (like television, furniture etc.) and the two rents are inseparable (i.e. the other party will not accept the letting of one without the other), then such income is taxable as business income or ‘Income from Other sources’.

When composite rent consists of rent for building and rent for other assets (like television, furniture etc.) and the two rents are separable (i.e. the other party will accept the letting of one without the other), then rent of building is taxable as ‘Income from House Property’ and rent or hire of other assets is taxable as ‘Income from Other sources’.

When composite rent consists of rent for building and charge for different services (like security, lift, air-conditioning) the composite rent is split up and the portion which relates to rent of building is taxable as ‘Income from House Property’ and the portion which relates to the services offered is taxable as ‘Profits and gains of Business or profession’ ‘Income from Other sources’. is here to solve all your tax worries, be it relating to Tax Returns, Tax Support or Tax Planning. Just contact us; we are here to relieve you from all your tax worries. provides most hassle free tax return filing/ online return filing experience. Once you have collected, your salary certificate and other documents, we request you to please log in to or you can also directly mail at to submit the details. Upon receiving the documents, we would contact you to file your return of income.

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