The Side Effects of Funding
Yes, getting VC investment is a big deal, especially in a market like India where venture money is still chasing a few. This article was written on wherein the Founder & CEO of was quoted.  

Since the past few years the news that has been getting maximum attention in the media in the context of startups is indisputably the news on funding. Nothing wrong in that, it’s just that subconsciously we all have been fed to believe that a company that has raised money has actually arrived. Again, to a certain extent this is true. I look at it more like a marriage; at least you got married compared to some of your single friends who are still hoping to find their life partner. But, as we (those of us who are married for long) know the real challenge begins after the honeymoon is over. So is the case with funding. Acquiring an investor’s money is just the beginning. The real (love) story begins thereafter.
Alok Patnia – founder of, has come a long way since he left KPMG and started his own venture in 2010. He was offered a seed investment in the early days (and he really needed capital when he was just starting up) but the ‘draconian’ clauses that came along with the 10 to 15 lakhs of cash being offered deterred him from taking the money. “There were too many clauses and the discussion with the prospective investors was taking forever. Also I evaluated and found that for the amount I was raising the restrictions were humongous and I decided not to go for it,†says Alok. Maybe his prior background of working in KPMG and Ernst and Young helped him understand the finer points that come in the form of a term-sheet. … read more on
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