Use and transfer of moveable assets of the employer – Taxability

online tax filing, online return of incomePerquisites are the non-monetary benefit provided by the employer to his employees in addition to the salary. It plays a vital role in the total tax outgo of the employees. Employer provides assistance to the employee in respect of use or transfer of moveable assets which is a perquisite taxable in the hands of the employees. The value of such benefit resulting from the use or transfer of any such moveable assets belonging to the employer directly or indirectly to the employee or any member of his household shall be determined as under:

In case of use of any moveable assets

Circumstances Value of benefit
(i) Use of computer & laptops Nil
(ii) Moveable assets-
Other than laptop or computer 10% per annum of the actual cost of such assets
Assets already specified in the rules The amount of rent or charges paid or payable by the employer.

In case of transfer of any moveable assets

Assets transferred Value of benefit
(i) Computers & electronic items Actual cost of such assets to the employer as reduced by 50% of the cost to the employer for each completed year, on the basis of reducing balance method, during which such asset was put to use by the employer.
(ii) Motor Cars Actual cost of such assets to the employer as reduced by 20% of the cost to the employer for each completed year, on the basis of reducing balance method, during which such asset was put to use by the employer.
(iii) Any other assets Actual cost of such assets to the employer as reduced by 10% of the cost to the employer for each completed year, on the basis of straight line method, during which such asset was put to use by the employer.

The value of benefit mentioned above shall be reduced by the amount paid or recovered, if any, by the employee being consideration for such transfer.

We at have the expertise to guide you in lowering your tax outgo and thus enhancing your total take away.  We at provide full year support solving all your tax issues, in addition to filing of your return of income with excellent tax planning.

Please contact us, we are here to solve all your tax issues !

Alok Patnia

Founder and Director at

One thought on “Use and transfer of moveable assets of the employer – Taxability”

  1. Hi,

    I have queries on tax perquisite for cars. I see the perquisite value is 2700/month for 1600cc chauffer driven car owned by employee. in my company they said i have pro rated eligibility of 60000 (fuel) , 60000 (driver) and maintenance of 34000.
    so what does these amounts mean and what is 2700 perquisite.

    is it that if i avail benefit upto 60000 say for fuel then 21600 will will be added to my taxable income instead of 60000. say if i am submitting a bill of 21600 then is it going to be nil. or how is it calculated. what does perquisite getting added to ur taxable income means. pls clarify.

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