What is Google Helpouts and how it is different from other similar platforms

A Marketplace is a location where goods and services are exchanged. The internet usage percentage is going high as ever. The Internet growth has made new markets to emerge and get a huge market to serve is products and services. Another feature of Internet Marketplace is that it is connecting two or more people sitting in different geographical areas. In this article we would focus on  What is Google Helpouts and how it is different from other similar platforms . TYPES There are three types of marketplaces as follows:- 1)     Business to Business (B2B) 2)     Business to Consumers (B2C) 3)     Consumer to Consumers (C2C) RECENT STORY Google has launched the HELPOUTS a new marketplace which connects people to expert who help them on things like how to cook a particular recipe, apply makeup, computer problems. The website was live from July so that potential experts could sign up and make the environment more competitive. HOW IT WORKS There are a number of topics on the marketplace. The users do search the topic on which they require expert opinion. The helpouts connect with the expert or Helpout Provider, as they are called on the site to set up a one to one Google+ Hangout session. The consultancy charges are decided by the experts  before they are allowed to join the marketplace. OTHER ISSUES Some Demos were performed by the experts, including one of how to zest a lemon, taught by a chef, a startup that will help people to plan their dinner. The user can share  his or her screen during the session and give feedback to the expert . If the expert is 5 minutes late for the start of the appointment then the session is free. If the user is for any reason not satisfied with the session Google will provide a refund as part of the “money – back guarantee”. Helpouts will also work with Android Smartphone, in case a particular session, like something on home repair, requires the to see close-up shots of the user’s work. REVENUE MATTERS Transactional fees would be charged by Google at the rate of 20% fees of the  whole session for providing a platform to connect, except for healthcare helpouts. For now the Company will waive those fees because Google is still experimenting with how it will handle the pricing structure for that particular category. HOW HELPOUTS MAKE A DENT IN A FREE INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO WORLD Very often what we need is just not a video. Requirement of someone to see what our hands are doing (For eg – Like in Case of Teaching Guitar) is always there. There are ways to report abuse and immediately end the session. That could be an issue if lots of younger people gravitate to the service. ELIGIBILITY TO BE A PART According to the service’s support Web Site, Customers must be at least 13 years old, while providers must be at least 18. The potential for a major one on one online  video marketplace is intriguing. COMPETITION Popexpert and Maestro Market are yet another websites that offer similar services, but clearly Google brings a new visibility and to an extent legitimacy. Google isn’t the only tech giant one-on-one online video. In September, Amazon launched Mayday, a tech support feature for Kindles that connects a user to a customer service representative CONCLUSION The platform will create a new dimension to volunteer, with respected experts in different fields donating their time for free. Companies can also use the platform in advertising and creating their brand. Last week, Google announced several updates to Google+.  Most of them were photography related, but a handful were new features for Hangouts. For example, if a person is on a video chat with bad lighting, Hangouts will automatically manipulate the contrast and saturation to make the subject more visible. Features like that are bound to be useful for future Helpouts sessions. Thanks for reading for this article. Please feel free to write to us, We want to hear it all!Suggestions? Complaints? Feedback? Requests?  at [info@taxmantra.com] or call us at +91 88208208 11. We would be more than happy to assist you.