IIT Kharagpur in association with Taxmantra presents workshop on Taxation.

If you have an idea and you are wishing to start-up, how to deal with the tax and regulatory perspectives of your start-up and most importantly how to get it registered. E-Cell, IIT Kharagpur in association with Taxmantra presents workshop on Taxation. This workshop would be taken up on 2 sessions as below: 1. Starting up Business – The main area of discussion in this session would be regarding the various entities and how should you choose your entity which best suits your business. We would also be focusing on the tax implications and benefits on formation of a Company, LLP or Partnership Firm. To continue we would be highlighting on the various documents which you must obtain while getting your entity registered and also the other Local Registration which would be required for functioning of the business. 2. Managing the business – This session would be giving a brief touch on the various regulatory compliances which needs to be taken care of for the smooth functioning of the business. The important compliances on which the discussion would focus on would be Accounting, Income Tax Compliance, ROC Compliance, Service Tax Compliance, TDS Compliance, etc. The motive on this discussion is to educate people on the compliances and there need and importance for future growth of the business. The workshop would conclude with a Q&A session wherein people from audience can have their doubts clarified and can also get any suggestions they need for their business or for starting them up. It’s a must-attend for all startups, business owners, SMEs, budding startups and enthusiasts. Register at: http://www.ges.ecell-iitkgp.org/ to attend the workshop. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecell.iitkgp Thanks for reading for this article. Please feel free to write to us, We want to hear it all!Suggestions? Complaints? Feedback? Requests?  at [info@taxmantra.com] or call us at +91 88208208 11. We would be more than happy to assist you.