ITR filing date extended from September 30th to October 31st

Due date extended for Tax Audit and Non-Tax AuditTax payers who were supposed to file their income tax returns by September 30 now have some more time on their hands. The government has extended the deadline to file income tax returns for such tax payers until October 31.

“The ‘due-date’ for filing Income Tax Returns and various reports of audit prescribed under the Income-tax Act,1961 has been extended from 30th September, 2017 to 31st October, 2017 for all taxpayers who were liable to file their Income Tax Returns by 30th September, 2017,” Ministry of Finance said.

 The businesses were already hassled with the infinite number of due dates in September. Additionally, the first filings of GST were also due. Various communities had already and continuously appealed to the Govt asking for extension.
It seemed inevitable that the Government would take such a step. What is reassuring is that the Government did not wait for the last day to publish such notification. It came well before due date in a very appreciable move.


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