MCA21 System Integrated to Facilitate LLP Services

MCA 21 incorporate the LLP SystemPreviously, for incorporating an LLP or any other services related to LLP one needs to visit . But nowadays a new amendment has been made by the Ministry in the LLP system.

The Ministry is in process of integrating the system of LLP into MCA21 (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) system from June, 2012. Now for approval and allowing filing under LLP one need not required to log on to, since from now onwards it has been integrated with MCA21 system i.e., . It is implied in order to provide better and enhanced e-governance facilities to the stakeholders. The LLP Portal is being integrated to MCA Portal so that stakeholders are benefitted with much enhanced and advanced facilities. After integration all services of LLP shall be available in the MCA21 Portal.

If any post integration or any of old e-forms of the existing LLP system is lying in “Pending User Clarification” (PUCL) status it cannot be re-opened. So, LLPs and designated partners are advised to reopen/ resubmit the LLP form, if any lying in “Pending User Clarification” (PUCL) / Under Resubmission (RESUB) mode by 21st May, 2012 after complying with the requirements. If any LLP fails to do so the pending forms will be liable for rejection or shall be marked invalid and LLP shall be required to file fresh e-forms with additional fees.

All the services under LLP site shall no longer exist and all the filing procedures and forms requirements by LLP shall be done under MCA21 system with better e-governance facilities.

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